Course curriculum

  • 1
    A Purim Tapestry
    • Part 1: Megilas Esther and the Reenactment of Gan Eden
    • Part 2: Holy Couplehood and Its Power to Bring Redemption
    • Source Sheet
    • Audio for Parts 1 & 2

What's inside?

Join us as we delicately unravel threads, tracing soul relationships, between... 🧵 Queen Esther and our Matriarch Rachel 🧵 Hevel and Tzipporah (wife of Moshe)... 🧵 A female demon and Delilah (Wife of the Shofet Shimshon)... 🧵 Hadassa and our Matriach Leah... 🧵 Adam/ Yaakov and Mordechai... 🧵 The snake, Haman, and Mashiach... 🧵 Batya and the mysterious first Chava that was created at the dawn of creation only to disappear off the scene (and wreak havoc where the light of the moon does not reach…)
<<< The class in my home!

In this never-before Purim class, you'll see how the four layers of the interpretation of Torah - pshat, remez, drush and sod - interweave through each other in a dazzling array of sources - and you'll...

  • Discover the essence of Purim and why it is higher than even Yom Kippur. (Be prepared to rearrange the furniture of your brain! - in a good way ;)

  • Understand what is happening cosmically with the marriage of masculine and feminine to bring redemption. Because we are the last of the generations, our role is primary "on Hashem’s mind" right now (and so shall it be on ours!)

  • Reveal the mission statement of femininity today, in the footsteps of Mashiach, and how getting clear on this ALSO solves the problems we are having with relationships today

  • Find and channel the power of speech, the power of looking and not looking, speaking and not speaking, and coming into full, conscious devotion with a beloved - on the side of holiness. For when we do, we push away the darkness, and discover our role in the story of it all. You'll discover where the Purim story leaves off... ...and how it is WE who will complete it... ...with the coming of Mashiach, bimheira v'yameinu!
