Semester 4:

Rise into your Self. Finding internal harmony through the journeys of Rachel & Leah

Coming up:  FEB- MARCH 2022

Within every woman, there lives two women.  Their names are “Rachel and Leah.” We feel them tugging in different directions, yet we come into a profound inner peace when we allow them to become friends.

Resonate? Curious...Wondering what does this REALLY mean? 

In this BRAND NEW SERIES we’ll:

In this unique course, which wraps up our series, learn how to take all the inspiration from rising -through all your relationships, Hashem, others and yourself and bring it down to earth – and live your life as a Jewish woman who is rising.

  • Explore the story of Rachel & Leah and discover two different parts of our feminine essential selves.

  • Learn the invaluable skill of holding paradox and come into your wholeness and truth.

  • Embrace ALL OF You – even your conflicting parts and seemingly contradictions

  • Understand what it means that a woman is “the Shechina” and how to bring yourself out of “exile” and bringing in more light to your life

  • Taste what it might feel like to live in peace with yourselves – and discover that your biggest challenges are your greatest gifts, waiting to be transformed

This course is for you if you wonder:

  • "How do I juggle the complexities of being a modern woman ?

  • Do you feel torn between your two loves – your home life and work and/or creative life?

  • Do you struggle to feel like you are giving your kids everything they need while also tending to your own self-care?

  • Are you a powerful CEO or brilliant teacher but still single and longing to meet someone who will take care of you?

  • Is there really such a thing as the elusive “balance” we all strive for?"

Get it now!

Early Bird Access for Rachel & Leah

  • 10 x $74.00

    10 x $74.00Rise into your Highest Femininity: The Complete Feminine Journey: A Journey through the Imahos - FOUR SEMESTERS

    You can also join us for the full year-long series which includes this course as well! For upgrades, contact us at [email protected]
    Buy Now