Has prayer become another task on your checklist? Do you mumble tehillim in times of need, but real spiritual connection…feels like a distant memory?
Delve into the essence of tefilla, through a totally new paradigm. Understand what is feminine prayer, and how Rivka, a “seemingly broken being, trapped in an upbringing of evil, is the one who teaches us about prayer. In its essence.
In this journey through Rivka’s life you’ll:
Clarify why our Sages define prayer as a feminine act and how it is our active part in our relationship with Him.
Understand how Prayer is the master-key to our spiritual power – and is a new opportunity every single day, to connect.
Reveal how Rivka, despite her wicked upbringing, heard the stirrings of her soul and chooses to make her life with Yitzhchak, the paragon of perfection.
Develop a real connection to prayer - even in the midst of your mundane and hectic life
Discover how to change Hashem’s Will through prayer and why He wants us to do this!
Debunk the myth that Judaism is a patriarchal system when it comes to prayer
Shift out of a mindset of shame into one of unconditional love
In this program you’ll also get:
Meditations for dealing with extraneous thoughts that disrupt our prayers
Experiential exercises, “called vessel work” to bring the teachings home
This program’s for you even if…
You’ve listened to dozens of classes on prayer
You have very little time to daven formally
You feel disconnected from prayer, and have even given up
Course curriculum
Session 1 - Foundations
- Rivka - Rise! Into your Feminine through Prayer, course description FREE PREVIEW
- Free clip 1 The Water is Rising (from session 1) FREE PREVIEW
- Session 1: A Rose Amongst Thorns; Foundations
- source sheet
- outline and vessel work, session 1
- Clip 2 - A Rose Amongst Thorns (from session 1) FREE PREVIEW
- Audio for Session 1
Session 2: Love Like Fire
- Session 2 - Love Like Fire
- Source sheet and diagram
- Vessel Works #2 and #3
- Audio for Session 2
Session 3: A Woman's Prayer
- A Woman's Prayer
- Source sheet and diagrams
- Rivka 3 - Audio only
Session 4 - The 3 Levels of Rivka's Prayers
- The three levels of feminine prayer
- Source sheet
- The three levels of feminine prayer - Audio only
- Audio for Session 4
Session 5 - The Chayot HaKodesh - Beasts of the Holy Chariot
- The Chayot HaKodesh - Beasts of the Holy Chariot
- Source pack
- Session 5 Audio
Session 6 - Yaakov and Eisav - Lights and Vessels
- Yaakov and Eisav, Vessels and Lights
- Source sheet
- Session 6 - Audio only
- The Live Chat
Session 7 - Preparing the World for Redemption
- Rivka Imeinu: Preparing the World for Redemption
- Source pack
- Vessel Work
- Rivka session 7 - Audio only
BONUS! Secrets to Redemption - Rivka's Pitchers
- Rivka's Pitchers
- Rivka's Pitchers - Audio only
- Source pack