Virtual Chanukah Concert
With Rebbetzin Tamar Taback
Leave behind the distractions as you gently close the door. Embrace the warmth of your steaming mug in your cupped palms. Slowly turn up the volume.
Rebbetzin Tamar Taback was trained as a classical pianist, but chose to shifts genres and focus on creating music that will uplift the neshama and help her listeners grow.
Rebbetzin Tamar is the Founder of the Nexus School for Transformational Torah. BH for over 20 years she has empowered women worldwide through her profound Torah classes – opening their minds and hearts to a new-old understanding of their feminine power in today’s age.
By translating deep insights and teachings into a language that is relevant and accessible, Rebbetzin Tamar makes sure that personal transformation is within reach to all. Supported by leading teachers and Rabbonim, she has built a close-knit community where spiritually seeking women rise together.
She will be accompanied by Peta Ann Holdcroft, one of South Africa's leading cello players.