Dina: Rise! into Feminine Influence
Session 1: The Quest of Sweetening the Dinim of Dina
Session 2: Dina's Masculine Roots
Session 3: The Tikkun of Influence
Session 4: The Wisdom of the Gilgul and Trauma as Tikkun
Session 5: Dina and her Seven Husbands
Session 6: Iyov and the Secret of the Benoni (Spiritual Intermediate)
Shared Commitment Form
Session 7: Dina, and her Insistence for Authenticity
Session 8: Avigail: From Student to Teacher
Session 9: Dinah, the Wife of Turanosropus and a Complete Return
Session 1 Audio
Session 2 Audio
Session 3 Audio
Session 4 Audio
Session 5 Audio
Session 6 Audio
Session 7 Audio
Session 8 Audio
Session 9 Audio
Session 1 & 2 Source Sheet
Session 3 Source Sheet (starts page 13)
Session 4 Source Sheet
Session 5 Source Sheet (page 19)
Session 6 Source Sheet
Session 7 Source Sheet
Session 8 Source Sheet
Session 9 Source Sheet
Session 1 Vessel Work
Sessions 2 Vessel Work
Session 3 Vessel work
Vessel work sessions 4-7
Vessel work session 8-9
Session 1 Chat Conversation
Session 2 Chat Conversation
Session 3 Chat Conversation
Session 4 Chat Conversation
Session 5 Chat Conversation
Session 6 Chat Conversation
Session 7 Chat Conversation
Session 8 Chat Conversation
Session 9 Chat Conversation