Shiur 1. About R' Moshe Chaim Lutzato (the Ramchal)
2. The purpose of the Sefer of Mesillas Yesharim
3. The position of Mesillas Yesharim in the Jewish World
2 - Why Smart people don't learn Mussar
3 - Why Smart People Don't Learn Mussar Part 2
4 - Dispelling the Mussar Myth
5 - Striving for Perfection in Service of Hashem (while keeping the yetzer hara of failure at bay)
6 - Developing Fear, Love of Hashem and refining our character - is the physical world the obstacle (or if you're a woman, the means?)
7 - What does “serving Hashem” even mean?
8 - The 5 Areas of Perfect Avoda
9 - Where Knowledge of Torah and Knowledge of Yourself Meet
10 - Fear of Hashem - what it is, what it isn’t
11 - Refinement of Character - Middos Tovos and Emulating Hashem's Attributes
12 - Loving Hashem, Being "Whole" with Hashem and Keeping the Torah