Course curriculum

  • 2
    Session 2: Bina
    • Introducing the Feminine Part of your Psyche
    • Source Sheet for Session 2
  • 3
    Session 3: Chochma
    • Chochma, an Untapped Reservoir of the Mind
    • Source sheet for Session 3
  • 4
    Session 4: Da'as
    • Da'as - your Most Prized Possession
    • Source Sheet 4
  • 5
    Session 5: Impostor Da'as
    • Da'as D'Sitra Achra - the Impostor You Can't See
    • Sources 5 - Translated
  • 6
    Session 6: Bringing it to Heart
    • Bringing it Home and Learning how to Concentrate
    • Sources 6
  • 7
    Session 7: LIVE Closing Session - Learning to Pray
    • Course Summary - (Tamar's notes) please do not share without consent
    • Source sheet (closing session)
    • Live Tefilla Closing Session
  • 8
    Audio Only